Greens score 100% on Election Day ballot issues and congratulate Mainers on voting for Question One. Maine Green Independent Party in line with mainstream Maine values.
Portland, Maine - June 10, 2010 -- Members of the Maine Green Independent Party were pleased to find that every ballot issue they supported on Tuesday's election has won. Residents in Maine continually prove their alignment with MGIP's values: grassroots democracy, ecological wisdom, social and community-based economic justice, personal responsibility and sustainability.
"Hopefully this will indicate to Mainers how relevant our party is and get them thinking outside the box on political matters. Voters are looking for something new in Augusta, and they'll find genuine change by voting Green in November," stated Jeremy Keith Hammond of Auburn, Secretary of the State Steering Committee.
Maine Greens understood the implications of the tax reform bill passed by the Maine House and Senate last year and partnered with proponents of the repeal to collect signatures to get the People's Veto on the ballot this June. The MGIP congratulates Mainers in successfully overturning what would have been an unfair flat tax, resulting in an extensive cut for the wealthy and replaced by increased consumption taxes. This burden would have been carried by Maine's small businesses, working families and the poor. Like many Mainers, the Green Independent Party believes in comprehensive tax reform, but the law Mainer's voted to repeal on Tuesday did not fall in line with the values of the majority of Mainers.
Erin Cianchette, Chair of the Maine Green Independent Party said that, "MGIP has supported the tax repeal from the outset, favoring an equitable income tax structure, and taxes on wealth, which apply to those that can most afford to pay into the system."
The MGIP feels strongly that legislators need to continue working towards real and equitable tax reform. It is clear that after Tuesday's repeal of the tax law and support for all bond issues that Mainers are not only interested in a fair system of taxation but also investing in this state.
"The legislators who voted this tax law must not retreat and throw up their hands, but reach out to their constituents for input on real tax reform, not just shifting the burden towards those who can least afford to pay taxes. There are plenty of Greens on the ballot for November who would love to show this state what it means to be a Green Independent legislator, independent of the major two parties," said Nate Shea, steering committee member and Media chair.
Residents of Maine and the Green Independent Party supported the four bond issues because clean energy, clean water, well paying jobs and transportation infrastructure are just what our state needs to help it through these difficult economic times. The Maine Greens consider the bonds as Maine's own stimulus package, but with wiser goals. The gains from these projects will improve our way of life and make it easier for Maine to repay the debt incurred.
"The Maine Green Independent Party is elated to find that every ballot issue they supported has won. The bond issues promote alternative energy programs, good jobs, help for schools, and other initiatives supported by Greens," said Jon Olsen of Jefferson, a member of the state Steering Committee and long time activist in the Green Party.
MGIP is more than a political party. We are Mainers who believe that values are what can save this State, its People, this Country and the World. Values are what we place our belief in, what we raise our families on, go to our jobs with, and expect our voted officials to uphold.
Maine Greens represent ten key values: grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, non-violence, decentralization, community-based economic justice, gender equity, respect for diversity, personal and global responsibility, future focus and sustainability. As a political party, we as Mainers seek to make change, increase accountability, and elect officials that vote to uphold these ten key values.
For more information about the Maine Green Independent Party visit or call our Portland office: (207)-699-1321.
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Nate Shea, Chair - Media Committee
Maine Green Independent Party